It is essential to understand that the factor slowing down an ecological transition is no longer the customers. Indeed, the 2015 Nielsen Global survey on corporate social responsibility polled 30 000 consumers in 60 countries to understand how passionate consumers are about sustainable practices when it comes to purchase considerations. 55% of them are willing to pay more for products and services provided by companies that are committed to positive social and environmental impact. Consequently, it is vital for companies to reform their practices in order to align with the UN sustainable goals as well as the clients demands. Although a transition to a sustainability centric company takes time, it is capital for the future and to start urgently this whole transformation.
To do so, the change should start from the top as the commitment of the CEO and the whole executive and board teams is essential to succeed. Most executives have strongly pointed out the importance of the leadership of the CEO , and potentially his partnership with the CSR Team. The accomplishments of Ikea in the attached videos is quite interesting in that regard.
Furthermore, a sense of urgency must be installed for companies to acknowledge the necessity of this transition. Smaller companies or start-ups seem to have understood the importance of the situation and have radically started this journey. It is of utmost importance that large companies start this journey as well and accelerate the process. As stated, “there is no planet B” and our time is running out.
In order to influence and support this transition a network of internal ambassadors is necessary. Their strong commitment can help amplify the message, convince employees and help spread the word at a faster rate. Among these ambassadors, young influencers have an important impact on the workers of tomorrow. Hence it is important for them to convey our message about sustainability transformation. Like any transformation this is not a simple one, yet the more we are to do so, the greater impact we can have.
“Pour un reveil ecologique “: Since 2018, in France, more than 30,000 students have signed “le Manifeste Étudiant pour un Réveil Écologique” which demonstrates their commitment to take responsibility for their own future and integrate in their daily life and their job the environmental challenge and call for society to wake up.
Réveil écologique